Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Creativity & Those who Envy

Humanity can be quite cold to those whose eyes see the world differently. Eric A. Burns, Gossamer Commons, 08-24-05
This entry is not intended to puff out my chest, brag or revel in conceit. It is to discuss a common attribute of the human being, that is to say, Envy.
What is envy?
Dictionary def: "feeling of discontent aroused by someone else's possessions, achievements, or qualities."
There is no doubt in my mind that most if not all humans have felt this emotion; wanting what someone else has ... For example, I've observed over many years the envy of women over the beauty of other women. One can be at a function, a black tie occassion, (the men have it easy, simply a tuxedo) and when a beautiful, well attired woman enters the room, one can almost "feel" the envy, at times an intense resentment. In Australia we call "it" the "Tall Poppy Syndrome": when a poppy rises higher than the rest, its time to cut it down to size.
Is it human nature to covet; to then feel resentment because someone else has what we so desire?
From my short time on the planet, the answer would have to be, yes.
I remember a few years ago self-publishing a collection of short stories to give to friends and family. Out of the fifty or so that were given away, only two people came back with a response: my old literature professor and, of course, my mother. The rest did not say a word . Let me just say that the stories were not badly written, a little macbre, but worth reading. Why no response?
Envy. Covet = Envy.
One of the Ten: "Do not covet thy neighbours wife." (Emphasis my own.)
We seem to always want what we do not have, to then see other's have it and feel envy, covet and flame with resentment. However dramatic, this does indeed occur everyday.
There is another saying in Australia that "seems" to concur with our values: "The Quiet Achiever."
The woman or man who moves along through life, calm, observant and creative, who creates, somehow avoiding covetness...rare but true. No bragards, no "Tall Poppies" but quietly moving onwards and upwards without anyone really noticing.
Let's face it, Mozart died a pauper, his body flung into a pit, the graves of the unknown...Potters Field? One of the greatest musical geniuses ever known...
Self inflicted? Maybe, but I do not believe so...it was envy that killed him, ultimately destroyed this young man of only 33.
My point is that Envy and all that goes with it is terribly destructive...and almost sent me around the bend. (On the recieving end.)
Again my point is to not look outward for needs and wants but look into your heart and work towards that goal. Because it is yours and no one elses. Creative and successful people will never escape envy because it appears to be human nature.
Ignore the backstabbing, the gossip, sabotage and simply get on with it...quietly.

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