Thursday, May 01, 2008

Another Great Artist from the Repin Academy.

This painting is of another world.

However who's world is it?

There is a hint of the 19th century, the beautiful dress and umbrella; the woman gazing at the sea. Look at the tree above her and the detail, time that the artist invested to reflect what he really sees, that contrasts the entire painting in every other aspect. (The woman is not the centre piece but the tree above her.)

When sketching a "live" object of the world, somtimes it is nesessary to reflect, as close as possible, its 'true' form.

What this artist has created is a meld of Impression and the human artists' striving for the Real.

But one gets the impression that he is playing with us: the model's head is unusually small; there are glimpses of objects and "things" that at a cursory glance one would not see...similar to a Renaissance work, there are hidden symbols.

My eyes, when gazing at this work, move to the leaves above her and the ground below her feet.

One Real the other Impression, giving the work, as said before, something not of this world.

The painter is of the Repin School in St. Petersburg, whose reputation for combining styles is well known in Russian circles:

Joseph Tali is the painter of this particular work.

This work by Tali is now part of a "private" collection.


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