Friday, July 04, 2008


To Feel Life and see the World as it is in all its abundance and Strangness, can be for some, a one time experience.

To see a person excited about something, and doing that 'thing', is extremely inspiring.

As a school teacher of gifted, confused and at times, hyper teenager's, this 'passion' is part of their evolution; part of growing up.

As a teacher, this is what keeps me going.

Then most grow up and the passions' fade: love, work and their world.... the world of cyberspace. mobile phones, later, office gossip, affairs - a desperate reach for something that feels REAL, something that goes beyond the routine; without a true Passion, this energy turns negative, inverts, and life turns to hell.

It has become a cliche' over the last too many years, that our appearance is what's important: false beauty, losing weight, looking 'young', being part of the action.

To be sure, one should feel good about themselves, but the difference between the body focus or one's "looks", more often than not, leads no where because Death or old age is a fore gone conclusion. There's nothing worse than seeing people spend money on Botox, breast implants, hair replacement, in order to feel alive because it never lasts. (A quick fix.)

Meeting someone with a true Passion like music, cooking, painting, teaching, philosophy, theology, the mysteries of God; writing, helping the unfortunate; the care for the environment, science...yes, and even Love; one's looks makes no difference because there's a light in their eyes, a presence of being....that X quality that makes their presence light up a room.

To be passionate is to be alive despite life's vagaries because Passion can and will eventually over come the vagaries and obstacles that our live's on this planet seems to be designed to do... a system of barriers to push through, over or what ever it takes to do so.

Sigmund Freud, a pioneer of human behaviour and the mind, wrote that ultimate happiness is impossible, but to experience Love and Work, in their many forms, will and can move one closer to a semblance of happiness.

Pesonally, I have found this to be true.

Meeting people with a particular passion is a joy and very contagious.

To have Passion for literature, carpentry, music, et al, is one of the keys to a life with meaning.

Ultimately, however, it is the passion of love and a little joy in one's work that moves us closer to this vague and ambiguous feeling so-named 'hapiness'.

If you are not Passionate about something, life will pass by with bordom and regret in the blink of an eye...because, without focus and interest, Passion, life is like a haze, a cloud, a sorrow...a waste.

If you do not have it, find it!

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