Thursday, July 31, 2008

Spiritual Friend

When meeting someone for the very first time, the mind will automatically move into "judgement mode."

'She's this or that, good-looking, attractive, but a little too small; she more than likely hates men; she's mad as..." These so-called 'first impressions' sometimes turn out to be partly true, other times not.

The other night, playing guitar and singing on the stage, my set finished, and deftly moving in and out through the crowd, outside to have a smoke -the brisk air compared to the lights and noise of the pub was like two different planets. A full moon, alone, I looked upwards and noticed the moon, bright, clear and emanating an energy. (The moon has always intrigued me since a a small child.)

That first drag of my cigarette felt like a reward well earned.

Suddenly a tap on the shoulder: A new musician friend, "How did you go, mate."

"Not bad, at least they applauded to "Blue on Black".

"Cool. By the way this is C. C, this is Craig."

She wore a cute little wollen hat, gloves with the ends cut off - not exactly pretty, but I found myself startled. She seemed only 5 foot tall, nothing superfically outstanding, but there was 'something', the first word that came to mind: she's a very Spiritual Being - a quality of uniqness, someone special.

Not saying a word, I listened while her and my new friend talked about Bach.

For me there felt to be a strong feeling that I knew this being once, a long time ago.

"Nice to meet you, Craig."

The little creature then walked off alone into the darkness of the night.

J and I re-entered the pub and I asked him who she was. She had known J for 6 years and are very close.

"J? She is a deeply spiritual person, someone you're lucky to know."

"What do you mean "spiritual"?

An individual whose material, physical needs fall far below to their kindness, care for other people, sensitive, awareness of her surroundings and curiousity about the world. A different kind of love for the world than your average human."

Knowing they were close, asked, "Would you mind if I asked her to have coffee?"

J laughed and said, "You know she is of the other persuasion."

Interestingly, this did not bother me in the least.

Later the next week, we had coffee, and my intuition of her spirituality was duly confirmed.

A new friend.

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