Monday, September 11, 2006

This & That...

Monday morning's for alot of people is a torturous affair.

For me, however, today was an unusually pleasant Monday morning, rising early and looking forward to teaching my classes.

Teenager's are notoriously sleepy in the morning's, because as some Canadian studies have shown, adolescent's need more sleep than the average adult - brain development, hormones, etc. Thus an English or History class first period, 8 or 9 o'clock, speaking on the Rise of the Blosheviks or the various themes in Macbeth is basically a useless endevour.

This morning's class was just such a case:Drooping eyelids, the lights are on but nobody is home, expressions of extreme disinterest and tired apathy.

As the day progressed, usually by recess, the student body comes alive, and the only topic of conversation or interest is what they did on the weekend.

Times and habits seem to never change. We all did the same thing, and later in life, we remember that our lives as teenager's was somehow different, better... it wasn't.

As a teacher, I attempt to consider all these factors so actual "learning" can occur.

Looking forward to my two week holiday next week...time to read and do some serious writing.

Emotional State: Tired though happy.


kate said...

and time to mark our sacs - if we can't have holidays why should you!!

kate said...

Sorry, I’m just really jealous! I wish I had enough time to read and write in my holidays =(

“we remember that our lives as teenager's was somehow different, better... it wasn't.”

I really appreciate what you’ve said here. A lot of people think that teenagers don’t have a care in the world because we don’t have to worry about raising kids, our job etc and it annoys me so much. The past 6 years for all my friends, and me certainly haven’t been easy.