Wednesday, September 20, 2006


For me at least, it is absolutely necessary to leave one’s comfortable environment that is, one’s home, one’s familiar surroundings, going beyond the “habitual” day to day routine, in order to achieve a new perspective of one’s life and the world

Decided to jump in my car and drive west, towards Perth, finally stopping in an old fishing village so named “Port ...”.

Small towns, no matter where you are in the world, are a parochial affair. The local’s eye you with suspicion, but know they have to put up with your presence because, hopefully, you’ll spend money, helping the town’s economy.

Having breakfast at the local café turned sour as the eggs were cold and the hash browns tasted like something that had been frozen for years and thawed upon my arrival. The waitress was a pretty school girl who would blush every time she approached my table. We do not “tip” in Australia, though because the young waitress appeared to go through so much embarrassment when serving me, a two dollar tip was the least I could do.

Port ... is a truly beautiful location. A sea side village, the air smelling of the sea, the water crashing against the rocks, and the local’s smiling, acknowledging my presence, made the excursion worthwhile.

My camera went on the blink, thus no pictures, except a Magpie, with her young child, walking back to my writing cell, she began to sing, teaching her young one how to attain food amongst the grass.

My true purpose for the trip was to write, finish this damn novel, and only a few words managed to come forth amongst the silence.

This particular tale has been long going but has managed to maintain an exciting coherence, something, I believe, that could be entertaining for the potential reader.

I love silence. There was neither television nor radio, and, with a great amount of effort, avoided the newspaper.

Played my guitar and sang my heart out, bringing the local kid’s to stand around my door.

‘Do you know this song?” the older boy asked.

“No, but listen to this one.” an old Collective Soul tune that they seemed to enjoy.

The excursion did not bring writing fruits, but managed to cleanse my soul, turning a somewhat down individual into a somewhat hopeful one.

Emotional State: Open & optimistic.

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