Sunday, August 27, 2006

Chapter in Novel Mysteriously Disappears

A brilliant day weather wise but a disaster on the relationship front.

Attempting to edited chapter 2 of my novel last night and the damn thing diappeared from the screen and the file. I have it backed-up on disk and hardcopy, but it still created a hole in my stomach and a feeling of dread.

A Sunday evening, looking forward to a dinner of ravioli and a glass of red to wash it down. Ah, the simple things in life are the best.

Also started reading "The Secret Life of Lazlo, Count Dracula" by Roderick Anscombe, a Forensic psychiatrist by day and novelist by night. Very well written and captures the readers attention.

The way situations are presenting themselves, it appears I'm entering a new chapter of my life. Rather than bore the reader with the gruesome details, let me just say that an 18 year relationship has come to an end. Never easy, however, taking it day by day.

Also considering publishing my last completed short story, "Gnome" on my BLOG, we'll see.

Emotional State: Sad & Tired.

1 comment:

Kitten said...

How mysterious!!! Ah! this planet, so many things we do not understand, different dimensions, etc. You "hang in there" with the changes in your life, and please remember that "the best is yet to come"