Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Strange days indeed...

A birthday celebration for my boy tonight, Sam. A 16 year old going on 45, a boy who is, beyond all other aspects of his character, a kind soul.

A beautiful day in Melbourne; spring has arrived early, and the scent of Lilacs fill the air as I drive along Whitehorse Road to another day in the classroom.

The scent and warmth of spring always creates feelings of sentilmentality, memories of early love's, early times of friendship and meaning - happiness.

Driving closer to the campus, one wonders how and why some of these poor children have the strenght to survive! But they do, and they continue to front up to school...
beyond all the hoopla, interest in their lives and a genuine care goes a long way.

I want all of them to do well, which pulls me out of bed every morning.

A sentimental night.

Tomorow some thoughts on politics!

Emotion: Weary...and hope.

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