Monday, August 21, 2006

Reflections on the Day.

A Beautiful evening in Melbourne.

A successful lecture this morning with the Year 12's, discussing the Russian October Revolution of 1917. Aside from his many failings, Lenin was certainly single minded and ruthless towards his goal to topple the Provisional Government. The charming Kerensky, residing in the Tsar's palace office and travelling through Petrograd like a medieval prince, certainly turned public opinion to the Bolsheviks. The charismatic Kerensky made many other mistakes, but his intended public personna as the new "Tsar" did not help his political position.

My students appeared interested today - which is always a bonus.

In class today, one of my more intelligent students stayed back after class, her concern was the panic attacks she has been experiencing because of the stress of being accepted or not accepted at Melbourne University. She wants to study law, and Melbourne University is the best Law School in the country. She wanted advise to alleviate her stress.

After a few questions, I discovered the poor girl has not been sleeping, staying up at night obsessively reading, writing...and sweating till the wee hours of the morning.

My advice was to see her doctor, explore other alternatives, because, from my own experience, she's on the road to destruction. And for such a beautiful and fine mind, this well could become a tragedy.

I'll follow up tomorrow and emphasise the point that medical help is advised.

She has a gift for philosophy and history and writes like an angel. This young seventeen year old has talent and the world would be a worse place without her.

Emotional State: Concerned.

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