Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Motivation, writing fiction and reviews...

A cool, crisp morning.

No time this week to write on any of my on-going projects. In fact, to be quite honest, my motivation to do anything is really at an all time low. Rather than go into detail, let me say that we all, at one time or another, experience lows...this too will pass.

My novel has come to a stand still, wavering in purgatory at the end of chapter 15. In this situation the answer has always been to write, and keep writing until the various threads of the story tie together, and the plot falls back into line. This book has really written itself, coming to an end of a writing session to be amazed at the material, and wondering where it came from.

The genre of the tale touches upon a supernatural thriller combined with philosophical thoughts about the nature of existence, metaphysical, ontological, from the main character, Marcus Parks. There are religious overtones coupled with the occult - a good vs. evil tale with a twist. If possible, I'll publish a chapter or two on this BLOG, and request feedback from friends and readers...anything to get the ball rolling again.

Completed a strange tale, a short story, back in May, titled "Gnome". Feedback was mixed, as none of the characters, including the main character, are very likable human beings. However, finished another short story in April, titled, "Josephine and the Fallen Horse", which got great feeback, despite it being one of the most "normal" stories that I've ever written. This goes to illustrate that the author can never really be the best judge of their work.

I have been an amature book & film critic for some time now. My reviews can be seen on, somewhere around 320, having reached the status of Top 500 Reviewer. Criticism, for me at least, is much easier than writing fiction. It takes much less energy and effort.

To see my reviews go to:

This will take you to my "profile" and access to all my reviews.


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