Monday, August 14, 2006

Day One

This is only the beginning.

The purpose of this BLOG is to express my thoughts and views on politics, philosophy, literature and current affairs. As I'm currently residing in Australia, observations of the culture and politics of this interesting country will, no doubt, fill these pages. However, having spent my childhood and, for the most part, educated in Denver, Colorado, my opinions on American politics and affairs will also be expressed.

As a writer of short stories and about to finish my first novel, excerpts will be revealed.

My profession is school teaching, particularly upper middle school and Year 12. My key learning area is history, world history, thus these pages should reflect this knowledge, comparing the past with the present.

It is currently raining in Melbourne, it has been a long day. I'm feeling tired but it's a good tired after a productive and creative 16 hours.

My cat's are sleeping and Chopin plays silently in the background...a good place to end

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